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Ready to get bold? Explore the possibilities with us.

In today’s fast-paced world, perception is reality. On average, you only have a mere 7 seconds to capture someone’s attention through any marketing tactic. According to the Harvard Business Review, your long-term success depends on winning the attention of others. What sets most successful businesses apart is an ability to capture others’ attention visually and through the written word. These businesses understand that if no one is paying attention to them in a meaningful way, no one will invest in their products or services. Steve Rubel, chief content strategist at Edelman (one of the world’s leading global communications firms), says it best. “Attention is the most important currency that anybody can give you,” he says. “It’s worth more than money, possessions or things.”

So, we ask, what perception are you giving your clients or customers? Are you taking your marketing seriously? Have you paid real attention to your message and look? Does your marketing make an impact?

Lucky for you, Minute Print is here to help. Through our “Be Bold” campaign, our talented staff is committed to bringing your company’s brand to life through exceptional customer service, impeccable design, and the highest quality printing services.

Wondering what this means exactly? It means we’re here to get the job done no matter what it takes. We’re asking you to trust our bold approach to your marketing. Whether it be a flyer or brochure, or a simple business card, we believe every element of your company’s identity is critical in the eyes of your audience. Our experienced design and print team will work directly with you to make sure every aspect of a project is handled with a strategy that aligns with your business goals.

The amazing part is that our talents and abilities are matched with unparalleled efficiency. We have the manpower and ability to be detail-oriented while still delivering a flawless product. Armed with a vision for our customers, along with the most advanced technology in the printing industry, our team thrives on a pure boldness for innovation that prevails in everything we do.  

Are you ready to get bold with your marketing? Explore the possibilities with Minute Print and let our team bring your brand to a whole new level.   


Celebrating International Fun at Work Day

Wow, work is so boring and terrible. Today is the worst day ever… April Fools! Not only does the first day of April mark the hilarious pranking holiday, but it’s also home to International Fun at Work Day. Unfortunately, too many people across the world do not enjoy their jobs. This should be the complete opposite, since the average person will spend approximately 13 years and two months of their lives at work. 

In fact, having fun at work boosts employee morale and can even increase a company’s bottom line. According to the American Psychological Association, occupational stress costs U.S. employers an estimated $300 billion per year due to absenteeism, illness and low productivity. With a more positive, fun environment, companies can save money with happier employees. Celebrate International Fun at Work Day and put these ideas into action.


1. Watch a movie.

For a simple celebration, poll employees to see which movie they want to watch together. Set up a screen in a conference room or general area, then take a couple of hours off to watch the movie. Even if employees are busy with work, they can still bring their laptops down, or bounce in and out of the showing to say hello. And of course, don’t forget the popcorn and candy for people to enjoy.


2. Host competitions.

Everyone loves a little friendly competition, right? Especially coworkers! To celebrate International Fun at Work Day, host a few competitions to see who is the best in the business. Consider a scooter race, a ping pong tournament, basketball bracket, cornhole competition, family feud or a fitness contest. Get the whole team involved for a competition everyone will appreciate together.


3. Have a cook-off.

Of course, the best competitions are those involving food. Have delicious food and rivalry with a coworker cook-off. For example, a chili cook-off, dessert contest or soup-a-thon are great ways to have fun while eating together. Designate a few employees as judges, or let the whole team choose with a poll. Give the winner a gift certificate to a gourmet restaurant, or a new cooking tool.


4. Dress up.

There’s something special about getting all dressed up in a fun outfit. Hosting a dress up day doesn’t require many resources or finances from the company itself, but it’s still a great way to get employees involved and having fun. Pick a theme for the day, like pajamas or Hawaiian shirts, and invite team members to join in. For added fun, have a dress up competition to see who rocked the theme the best.


5. Go outside.

Getting outside helps boost office energy and productivity. After all, a little bit of fresh air can do everyone some good. If the weather permits, take the team for a trip outside the office to have a picnic in the park or play yard games. Some favorites could include capture the flag, flag football or frisbee. No matter what you do, get outside and embrace the warmer weather if possible.


6. Give rewards.

Of course, you can’t have all of these competitions and games without rewards to incentivize employees. Even small gifts and prizes are a great way to get people energized and actively participating. Pick out a few trophies or rewards for your team members and encourage them to win. 

Work is where we spend the majority of our time, so we should enjoy it. This International Fun at Work Day, make sure you and your team have an awesome day that boosts employee morale and positivity. Keep these tips in mind for a day filled with fun, team bonding and productivity.

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