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Ready to get bold? Explore the possibilities with us.

In today’s fast-paced world, perception is reality. On average, you only have a mere 7 seconds to capture someone’s attention through any marketing tactic. According to the Harvard Business Review, your long-term success depends on winning the attention of others. What sets most successful businesses apart is an ability to capture others’ attention visually and through the written word. These businesses understand that if no one is paying attention to them in a meaningful way, no one will invest in their products or services. Steve Rubel, chief content strategist at Edelman (one of the world’s leading global communications firms), says it best. “Attention is the most important currency that anybody can give you,” he says. “It’s worth more than money, possessions or things.”

So, we ask, what perception are you giving your clients or customers? Are you taking your marketing seriously? Have you paid real attention to your message and look? Does your marketing make an impact?

Lucky for you, Minute Print is here to help. Through our “Be Bold” campaign, our talented staff is committed to bringing your company’s brand to life through exceptional customer service, impeccable design, and the highest quality printing services.

Wondering what this means exactly? It means we’re here to get the job done no matter what it takes. We’re asking you to trust our bold approach to your marketing. Whether it be a flyer or brochure, or a simple business card, we believe every element of your company’s identity is critical in the eyes of your audience. Our experienced design and print team will work directly with you to make sure every aspect of a project is handled with a strategy that aligns with your business goals.

The amazing part is that our talents and abilities are matched with unparalleled efficiency. We have the manpower and ability to be detail-oriented while still delivering a flawless product. Armed with a vision for our customers, along with the most advanced technology in the printing industry, our team thrives on a pure boldness for innovation that prevails in everything we do.  

Are you ready to get bold with your marketing? Explore the possibilities with Minute Print and let our team bring your brand to a whole new level.   


3 Tips to Beef Up Your Email Marketing

While print definitely isn't dead, digital isn't necessarily going anywhere either—and with that, email marketing. You don't want to focus on one or the other, so while you may have a strong print campaign in your prospects’ hands, now is a good time to put some effort into beefing up your email marketing.

Here are a few tips to get your email marketing into fighting-fit shape.

Don't Let Gender Render You Useless
If you run gender-specific campaigns, this can seem like a no-brainer, but this happens. When you schedule a mailing that's set to target, say, women—make sure that your sending your email to women. This can be as simple as list maintenance and cleaning up your contacts. Also be aware that some names don't always scream a certain gender. Sending to Kelly Doe? May want to double-check what list they belong in.

Graphics Aren't Always an Email's Best Friend
Having graphic-heavy email marketing campaigns can weigh you down. We tend to assume that your recipients are using an email client that will allow them to see all the graphics in your message—and that's your first mistake. When you're building out your email marketing campaign, it's important to make sure your audience will still be able to understand your message without seeing the images. To play it safe, don't send out emails that are one big image. Include text and you'll have a better chance at avoiding the spam folder.

Spam Without the Can
A spam folder is to email what a trash can is to direct mail. The benefit of direct mail? That recipient is still physically holding that piece of mail and looking at it while they throw it away. Emails get sent to your spam folder without you even realizing it. How can you avoid the cyber trashcan? Don't include attachments in your campaigns—email programs will assume they include viruses. Be sure to watch your copy too. Including too many spamy words like "free," "bonus or "prize" can send you into the unseen. Don't let your time and money go to waste by sending it right where waste belongs.

You're not far off from a stellar email marketing campaign. Put these three tips into action to ensure this tool generates revenue for your business.

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